Monday 31 August 2009

Time for electoral equality

Shock! Horror! Jonathan Morgan AM has called for positive discriminiation! At last, the idea that stopping women being  discriminated against is going mainstream.  But wait ... I hear the chest thumping and braying of male candidates ... calling for selection on 'merit' (like they have been the best candidates all these years).  No, guys, your party is over, it's women's turn now.

Sunday 30 August 2009

Snark spotted in Wales

To 'snark' is to make nasty rumours and comments, often anonymously, and pretending to be witty and wise at the same time. It is usually found in the USA and most often applied to celebs and politicians there. A piece in the Guardian says it is spreading to the UK, and it is also being used against individuals.  A quick look at Welsh blogs suggests it has already arrived. Plaid blogs seem especially prone to nasty carping and sniping.  

The Guardian article says politics is being damaged by this petty and personal approach. I agree.

Wake up Welsh tourism

This summer is the best reminder ever that Wales' tourist chiefs need to do a bit more than bang on about the outdoors. Right now the outdoors is invisible under a thick layer of hill fog.  Tony Earnshaw, head of film programming at the National Media Museum, Bradford said in yesterday's Western Mail that Richard Burton's legacy could be much better promoted. Same goes for many other famous Welsh names - where is the Aneurin Bevan centre? The Tom Jones tour? Ditto other assets - Wales' contribution to railways, to democracy and politics - all are ignored. There's got to be more to visiting Wales than a few mountains.

Thursday 27 August 2009

Welcome to Political Annie

I've set up this blog because I am fed up with sexist and macho Welsh blogs. There are hardly any women bloggers so I thought it was time to add to their numbers. Watch this space!